
Currently July

Summer is in full swing here in Texas, and it is HOT, HOT, HOT!  We're having a bit of a cold front, and I'm in heaven.  The low tonight is actually 65.  LOVE IT!!!
My baby boy is 10 weeks old today!  It's going so fast, but I'm loving every minute at home with him.  
Here are two recent pics of my big guy!  #ProudMama

I'm working hard to finish my Back to School printables pack, as well as some other fresh ideas for the fall!  Promise to send an update as soon as it's done.
Happy July!  


  1. I can only imagine how hard it is to find time to blog when you have such a cutie pie distracting you! Good luck getting your Back to School pack done :)

    Carolina Teacher

  2. I found you through the linky. What a cute little guy! I'm a fan of Keeping Up with the Kardashians too. :)

    The Teaching Twosome
