Today I'm going to share an easy, fun, and powerful math center that is perfect for FALL!
Here's what you need...
1. Flip book with math facts written inside (If you don't have these flip books, you can use index cards or flashcards instead.)
2. Ten Frames & Part Part Whole Mats (Download for FREE here.)
3. Mini erasers, candy corn, or other math manipulatives
4. FREE printables
To really build conceptual understanding of math facts, I want students using manipulatives and showing the fact in various ways. During this center, they will show the fact on a Ten Frame, on a Part Part Whole Mat, pictorially (on their recording sheet), and they will also write an equation.
Students work through the flip book or choose random index cards/flashcards. They create the problem using manipulatives before showing their work on their recording sheet. (Several to choose from!) I love putting students in charge of their own learning. The kids are shocked that the worksheet is BLANK, and they get to fill in EVERYTHING! It also gives the teacher the opportunity to differentiate for individual students' needs.
This activity would also be great for small groups or tutoring. You could even take a grade on independent work.
A few tips to make your life easier...
1. Laminate your ten frames and part part whole mats for use throughout the year.
2. Store the mini erasers in individual Tupperware containers from the Dollar Store.
3. Ask parent volunteers to send in candy corn/fall candy at the beginning of September so you have plenty!
4. Have a parent volunteer make a baggie of candy corn for each student.
Need more K-2 Math Resources? Check these out...
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