
Jelly Bean Math {Addition}

If you've been following me or reading my blog for some time, you know how much I love the part-part-whole strategy for teaching addition and subtraction.  I created a FREEBIE that is perfect for Spring and Easter time!  You can download this activity by clicking HERE!  Here are the materials and directions for the activity:
Take a look at a few examples:

I hope you and your kiddos have FUN with this TASTY math activity!   
Classroom Freebies Manic Monday
Check out more fabulous freebies by clicking the link above!  


  1. LOVE this! I've purchased a few of your part-part-whole products, so thanks so much for the freebie:) I love this strategy too and in my room we've gotten away from addition and subtraction practice to start the dreaded money unit! This practice will be much-needed.
    Shining and Sparkling in First Grade

  2. Thank you so much for the freebie, Liz!! I LOVE jelly bean math and the part part whole strategy is wonderful! It really helps build that conceptual understanding!

    Excited to be your newest follower :)
    Little Miss Primary

  3. What a cute idea! Thanks for sharing.

    Judy @ It's Raining Resources

  4. I heart your worksheets! I pinned them to my Math Pinterest board. Thank you for sharing! P.S. I am a newbie blogger and I’m your newest follower!

    I Heart My Kinder Kids

  5. Hi Lisa!! So glad that you are finding this freebie useful for your kiddos. I've added a subtraction page just for you! :) Simply go to the product on TPT and redownlaod it. The subtraction page should be page 8 in the product! :)
    Have a Happy Friday!!
