As educators and parents, we tell kids all the time to “be kind” or “use kind words.” I find myself asking my boys “was that kind?” and reminding them to be kind to one another. But what does that really mean? How can I expect them to truly understand kindness unless I teach them with real-life, concrete examples? I discovered Pat Zietlow Miller’s book, “Be Kind,” a few weeks ago and fell in love the first time I read it.
Have students look through picture books in the classroom and find examples of kindness in the text.
I’ve included discussion topics, writing prompts, kindness scenarios, and a meaningful homework assignment to get parents involved. Homework: Take a picture of someone being kind. Bring the photo to school (or e-mail it to your teacher). After collecting all of the photos, create a kindness bulletin board.
I’ve also included some of my favorite read-alouds to promote kindness in the classroom. The best part is all of these printables are FREE in my TpT store. After reading Be Kind and a few other books on kindness, create kindness anchor charts with students to display in your classroom or hallway.
Want to create a kindness inspired bulletin board or decorate your classroom door with inspirational quotes? Check out these bright posters to encourage kindness all year long.
Print in color or print in black/white and have students color posters to create bulletin board.
So bright and cheerful! This pool noodle rainbow makes me so happy!
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