
Teaching Students to Color?

Back to School Activities for Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Do you teach your elementary students to color? I know that sounds like a funny question, but I'm serious! During the first week of school, one of the most important things I "teach" is how to color! My objective is for students to take ownership of their work. I want them to do their very best on everything. My other goal is to teach my expectations for taking care of their school supplies.
Do you teach your students "how to color?" It sounds silly, but it really is important to model your expectations!
When I saw these in the Target Dollar Spot, I knew they would be perfect! liked these cute rainbows because they were the perfect size... just enough coloring but not TOO much coloring where it would take all day. :) 
When I teach my kiddos to color, I MODEL, MODEL, MODEL. 
I demonstrate how you can outline with markers. I show the difference between pressing hard to make the color dark and pressing lightly. I show the students how I can color realistically or creatively. I demonstrate how to add details and use a variety of colors. As I'm coloring, we talk through using different colors and different supplies. I ask my students questions along the way. "Would it look better to color the entire rainbow blue or should I use several colors?" I show the kiddos how I can color in the same direction and then how I can color all crazy. I ask them "which looks better?" :)
First week of school activity- teaching students to color
This sounds so basic, but you can't assume your littles really know how you want them to color. More importantly, I want my students to take pride in their work. This is true not just for coloring but for EVERYTHING they will do in school.
This isn't a long lesson. It's a mini lesson we work on all week. We keep adding to the anchor chart that will be displayed in the room all year.
Then I want the students to have the opportunity to show me their VERY BEST WORK! Next, I give them TIME. I don't want them to rush through it. In reality, they are probably going to take a little TOO long coloring today, but that's OK. I want to set the precedent that I expect their best. I don't want them to rush to just finish. 
I also like to have coloring contests throughout the year. This works great the week before a holiday or vacation. You can find tons of free coloring pages on Pinterest for every theme and holiday imaginable. I give it to the kids at the beginning of the week and whenever they have a few extra minutes they can work on their coloring contest page. At the end of the week, I have a judge decide on a few winners, and they get a prize from the treasure box. Holiday weeks can be so crazy, so a coloring contest is a great activity to do during potential downtime. 
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